Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My shining star in a sea of darkness

Ok so its been a while, but that just means i have more to write about!
so heres the thing, lately i've been SUPER stressed out because of my living situation. i live with my fiance's cousin and at first it was pretty ok. we split the bills, usually i'm not home during the day but when i am i clean and cook. but lately i've a few things have started to get on my nerves. one of the things and basically the MOST important thing thats really dancing on my nerves is that we have NO privacy. like, at all. and its really starting to get on my nerves. yeah we have a lock on our bedroom door, but everyone in the house knows how to pick that lock and NO ONE respects my need of privacy when its locked. sometimes at night when we lock our door the people we live with just unlock it and come right in, to either turn something off or otherwise check if we are still awake. i mean COME ON my fiance' and i are both adults, and we need our privacy! twice i've had to have my fiance' lecture his niece (because they don't listen to me) about just unlocking the door and coming in. because both times she did it, i had just gotten out of the shower and was changing. and the adults are constantly going into our room while we are asleep and turning things off. and its not out of concern for the power bill because we pay for what we use. and they just go through our closets and stuff with out asking, if you need something, i'm right there! just ask me for it! and another thing, when we are gone they are constantly going into our room and touching things, how do i know? because when i come home and my pillows are misplaced and things are put in the wrong drawers. who the hell do they think they are? i don't just go into your room and move things, so just stay the hell out of my stuff!

but even with all this stress, there is one thing that has really lifted my spirits: my son has started pulling himself up on things, this morning for the first time, he grabbed the sides of his playpen and pulled himself up. and that dear readers is My shining star in a sea of darkness

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